
Community Events


Upcoming events at the First Presbyterian Church of Cranford, 11 Springfield Ave in Cranford, NJ. 

SEASONS is a non-denominational group of individuals who have lost a partner and are interested in discussing various ideas and topics which may

be useful in moving ahead. We welcome everyone to participate in our activities.  For information, contact Bob Laudati 908-322-7762, or Lorraine at 908-418-8602.

Thursday, February 13, 7pm: Carol Thee from Cranford Presbyterian will lead our discussion on Love, A Valentine Theme.

Thursday, February 27, 7pm: tonight is Comedy Night…listen to some funny stories, and feel free to bring your own.

Pancake and Sausage Breakfast
Msgr. Joseph F. Loreti K of C Council 3240 of Assumption Church is hosting a Pancake Breakfast a to help Seminarian David Watchorn.

Date:  Sunday, March 9th, 2025

Time:  8am - Noon

Place:  Church of the Assumption - basement

113 Coolidge Pl, Roselle Park

$12 includes: Pancakes, Sausage, Coffee, Tea, Juice.

Tickets sold at the door only.

Upcoming programs offered by Mount St. Mary House of Prayer in Watchung

Information and Registration for all Mount Saint Mary House of Prayer offerings can be found

on our website: Call us at 908-753-2091 or email us



Registration for all offerings is required 10 days in advance to avoid the program being

cancelled.  You can register and pay for any program at

Upcoming programs offered by Mount St. Mary House of Prayer in Watchung


Tickets for a Calendar Raffle to benefit Mount St. Mary House of Prayer, Watchung, are on sale now by calling 908-753-2091.  Tickets are $20 for 13 chances to win from December, 2024 through February, 2025. Prizes range from $300 to $400. The last day to purchase tickets is November 29. Proceeds benefit the ministry of the House of Prayer, which depends on the generosity of its benefactors. The Sisters are most grateful for your support. 

Information and Registration for all Mount Saint Mary House of Prayer offerings can be found

on our website: Call us at 908-753-2091 or email us



TOWARD, WITH, AND FOR WOMEN, presented by Sr. Nancy Y. Sheridan, SASV

Come away to ponder, pray and celebrate the myriad moments in the Christian Scriptures when Jesus reached out to heal women. As we celebrate these healings may we experience deeper healing in our own lives, and may we sense Jesus’ healing touch upon us and those whom we love.

Begin with dinner Fri at 5:30; end at 1pm on Sunday. Overnight, Commuter and Virtual Options.

Sr. Nancy is a spiritual director, retreat director, and supervisor in New England, New York, Canada, Ireland, and Wales.

Overnight $250; Commuter $200; Virtual $150.

Volunteer Mailing Day

Come help us prepare our next mailing. Lunch is provided, so let us know you are coming. In Person activity.


Join us on Zoom for an hour of lectio divina, prayer, conversation and small group sharing.

Freewill offering


There are many great spiritual masters of our time. Richard Rohr, OFM and others have works that have touched millions of God-seekers. Join this monthly video club and share your insights and prayerful responses to the works of Fr. Rohr and others. In Person and Zoom.

$20-$30 as you are able


A personal, quiet day to enjoy God’s presence. Day begins with communal prayer. Bring a bag lunch. In Person Program.

$20-$30 as you are able


Women have unique roles in life…wives, mothers, grandmothers, the single life and religious life…We’re pushed and pulled in a thousand directions by responsibilities, stress, loss and joys. Join us as we share heartfelt conversation and prayer to support and empower one another. For all women—young, old and in between. In Person Program.

Freewill offering


Men have unique roles in life…husbands, fathers, grandfathers, the single life and religious life…We’re pushed and pulled in a thousand directions by responsibilities, stress, loss and by joys. Where can we find time to reflect on the loss and gain of our lives? For all men—young, old and in between. Join our group over coffee or tea for life affirming discussions and prayer to find God in our lives and to make a difference in our own worlds. 

In Person and Zoom.

Freewill offering


 presented by Sr. Nancy Y. Sheridan, SASV

Come away to ponder, pray and celebrate the myriad moments in the Christian Scriptures when Jesus reached out to heal women. As we celebrate these healings may we experience deeper healing in our own lives, and may we sense Jesus’ healing touch upon us and those whom we love.

Begin with dinner Fri at 5:30; end at 1pm on Sunday. Overnight, Commuter and Virtual Options.

Sr. Nancy is a spiritual director, retreat director, and supervisor in New England, New York,

Canada, Ireland, and Wales.

Overnight $250; Commuter $200; Virtual $150.

St. Joseph By the Sea

400 Route 35 North 

South Mantoloking, NJ 08738


Lent: prayer, fasting and alms giving as we carve out our Lenten plans. Lunch and Eucharistic Liturgy with distribution of ashes

included. Arrival: 9:00 a.m./Departure: 2:30 p.m. (Presenter: Janice Santanello, M.Th., CLEM, CSG, CPC) Cost: $6

March 19, 2025 – HONORING ST. JOSEPH THE WORKER - In honor of our patron St. Joseph, the staff cordially invites you

to join us at Eucharistic Liturgy as we celebrate this special day. We will pray for peace and healing for ourselves and for our

world. Please call to register by March 15. SPACE WILL BE LIMITED TO 40 PEOPLE. Refreshments and Blessed Bread

after the program. Arrival: 10:30 a.m. Mass: 11:00 a.m./Departure: 1:00 p.m. (Presenters: Staff) Donation

March 21-23, 2025 – SELF CARE FOR AA WOMEN - Take time to be still and know God loves you. Rest, read and take

walks on the beach and bayside. Yoga, meditation and massage will be available. Eucharistic Liturgy included. No Supper on

Friday. Arrival: 5:00-6:00 p.m./Departure: 12:00 p.m. (Presenters: Sr. Brunilda Ramos, MPF, CSAC, NCAPS-II & Avita

Kennedy, RYT) Cost: $400

female counterparts: Mother Cabrini and Brigid of Ireland? Come celebrate these wonderful men and women of faith to

continue our Lenten journey with joy! Lunch and Eucharistic Liturgy included. Arrival: 9:00 a.m./Departure: 2:30 p.m.

(Presenter: Janice Santanello, M.Th., CLEM, CSG, CPC) Cost: $65

Jersey shore. The weekend is the ideal getaway from a busy life. The program consists of daily gentle yoga, meditation, walks

on the beach, fellowship and breath work. You will leave refreshed and better prepared to share your best self with your family

and community. Massage therapy will be available. Eucharistic Liturgy included. No Supper on Friday. Arrival: 5:00-6:00

p.m./Departure: 10:30 a.m. (Presenter: Avita Kennedy, RYT) Cost: $400

house has to offer. Bask in the sensual experience of being at the shore with some guidance in reflecting upon the beauty of

all God has bestowed upon us. Lunch and Eucharistic Liturgy included. Arrival: 9:00 a.m./ Departure: 2:30p.m.

(Presenter: Janice Santanello, M.Th., CLEM, CSG, CPC) Cost: $65